
A List of the Little Things in Life #1

HappinessĀ is an ever-discussed, elusive-to-some concept. Last week, I was in a bit of a funk and tried to embark on some soul searching. It brought up a whole host of repressed issues which we'll touch on later. But for now, here's a wee list of happy things, as promised! Snowy days and seeing birds play… Continue reading A List of the Little Things in Life #1

Musings, Studying

A “Hello” From the Abyss of School

Hidee Ho, Friends! It has been a while since I've last posted, and I will be honest that with the madness of school I briefly forgot I even had a blog. Whoops! Where is the "u"?? It has been a wild ride; I'm almost done my first placement and exams are looming. And throughout this… Continue reading A “Hello” From the Abyss of School